RRHS Announces Fall Sports Plan

Roanoke Rapids Graded School District has pushed it resumption of high school sports back to at least July 6 to allow more time for planning and adherence to state COVID-19 guidelines.  

The NCHSAA (North Carolina High School Athletic Association) announced plans Monday to allow schools to resume sports activities on June 15.  

The additional time gives us an opportunity to train staff, put NCHSAA recommended guidelines in place, and purchase any necessary supplies to ensure a safe return for our student-athletes and staff,” said Mark Snead, RRHS Athletic Director.  

NCHSAA guidance consists of three phases, with the first phase beginning June 15.  Phase one places strict restrictions on fall sports including  limited numbers, no sharing of equipment, and no contact.

RRHS Head Football Coach Chris Lyons will host three interest meetings Wednesday, June 17 for students interested in playing football.  The meetings will be limited to 25 students each.  Players interested are being asked to sign up in advance on the high school’s website.  

RRHS Football Interest Meeting Notice: 
